ECOO autumn General Assembly meetings in Hamburg, Germany
We are delighted to be holding the ECOO autumn General Assembly meetings from 11-13 October 2024 in Germany. Please find below all the practical information you need to register and to book your stay.
The meetings will be hosted by the three German members of ECOO: the Zentralverband der Augenoptiker und Optometristen (ZVA), Vereinigung Deutscher Contactlinsen-Spezialisten und Optometristen e. V. (VDCO e. V.) and Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Augenoptik und Optometrie (WVAO)
Conference venue and meeting place
The conference takes place at:
HYPERION Hotel Hamburg
Amsinckstraße 39
20097 Hamburg
The HYPERION Hotel Hamburg is located on Amsickstraße, an extremely convenient location and near the Elbe River.
It is easily accessible from both the main train station and the airport. There are numerous attractions to visit in the surrounding area; for example, the Deichtorhallen are only about a ten-minute walk away.
How to get to the venue:
by plane
Hamburg Airport Helmut Schmidt
30 minutes by taxi (12.7 km), 38 minutes by public transport (S1 to Hamburg Central Station, every 10 minutes) – costs: 3,80 EUR.
by train
Hamburg Hauptbahnhof // Hamburg Central Station
The hotel is a 14-minutes walk away (1.0 km) from the station, or 8 minutes (2.3 km) by taxi
by car
Parking costs at the hotel: 20 EUR per day
Hotel booking
Rooms are available for conference guests at the Hyperion Hotel, the conference hotel.
– Single room 169 €
– Double room 189 €.
Rooms can be booked at this price until 02.09.2024 via this link.
Other nearby hotel option are:
Mercure Hotel Hamburg City, Amsickstraße 53, 20097 Hamburg.
The hotel is a 6-minute walk from the conference venue.
These rooms cost 159 € per night and can be booked by phone (+49 (0) 40 23638964) with the code “ZVA” until 06.09.2024.
How to register
Please register via this link
The registration fees are:
- ECOO Delegate fee: € 375 – 11-13 October, includes all meetings and meals, welcome reception and ECOO dinner
- European Qualifications Board one day ticket: €120 – Friday meetings (11 October) only including lunch, coffee break and welcome reception
- ECOO welcome reception: €40 – for accompanying people not attending the meetings
- ECOO dinner: €80 – for accompanying people not attending the meetings
ECOO autumn meeting schedule
Please click here for the full schedule.
The detailed agendas for each meeting will be made available to members one month ahead of the meetings.
ECOO dinner
The ECOO Dinner will take place at the Reichshof Hamburg. The Reichshof Hamburg combines history and modernity alike. The fully renovated location was built in 1910 and shines with the Art Deco design of the Roaring Twenties. It is located in the heart of Hamburg, near the main train station and numerous attractions.
Cancellation policy
Registrations: to cancel your registration, please contact the ZVA, Christoph Baum c.baum@zva.de
- A full refund of the ECOO registration fees will be made for cancellation requests received by 10 September 2024.
- From 11 September, no cancellations apply and full payment is required.
Hotel rooms
- Hotel rooms at the Conference Hotel can be cancelled free of charge up until one week before arrival.
Contact details for questions
- For any questions on the venue, hotel, registration or payment, please contact Christoph Baum c.baum@zva.de
- For any questions on the content of the ECOO meetings, please contact the ECOO Secretariat: secretariat@ecoo.info