General Assembly

The ECOO General Assembly is a meeting of national delegations of the members of ECOO. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the association. It meets twice a year, in spring and in autumn.

The Executive Committee

The strategic leadership and decision-making body is the Executive committee, which is elected by the General Assembly and led by the President.


Dr Matjaž Mihelčič (Slovenia)

President elect

Gabriëlle Janssen (The Netherlands)

Immediate Past President

Dr Cindy Tromans (UK)


Peter Gumpelmayer (Germany)

Chair of the Professional Services Committee

Dr Sylwia Kropacz-Sobkowiak (Poland)

Secretary General

Fabienne Eckert (Brussels)

ECOO Secretariat Manager

Ann Blackmore


Per Michael Larsen (Denmark)



Thematic Committees


The Executive Committee is supported by two elected thematic Committees:




Public Affairs and Economic Committee

Economic and commercial matters as well as with specific legislative and non-legislative EU dossiers.

  • Jesus Garcia Poyatos (Spain) – Chair
  • Kai Jaeger (Germany)
  • Raúl Alberto Ribeiro Correia de Sousa (Portugal)
  • Daniel Hodgson (Ireland)
  • Daryl Newsome (UK)
  • Zsolt Szabadi (Hungary)
  • Konrad Abramczuk (Poland)
  • Elaine Grisdale (UK) – Secretary

Professional Services Committee

Development of the profession in terms of the scope of practice of optometry and optics in the member countries.

  • Dr Sylwia Kropacz-Sobkowiak (Poland) – Chair
  • Ignacio José Costa González (Spain)
  • Stephan Hirschfeld (Germany)
  • Clive Marchant (UK)
  • Martin O’Brien (Ireland)
  • Florbela Ribeiro Tiburcio  (Portugal)
  • Iwan Zanchetta (Switzerland)
  • Pavel Šebek (Czech Republic) – Secretary



European Qualifications Board


With the activities of the ECOO Accreditation Agency the European Qualifications Board has been set-up and is responsible for the European Diploma in Optometry and the European Qualification in Optics including their performance, content and recognition.

Read biographies of members of the EQB.

Fabienne Eckert

  • Professor Julie-Anne Little – Chair
  • Dr Bente Monica Aakre*
  • Fiona Anderson*
  • Dr. Stephan Bandlitz
  • Dr Roger Crelier*
  • Ignacio José Costa González
  • Dr Vincent Gautier
  • Peter Gumpelmayer
  • Dr José Manuel González Meijome *
  • Dr Sigrid Müller-Schotte *
  • Gustav Pöltner*

*Member of Expert Group



Constitutional documents

ECOO is governed by its statutes and Rules of Procedure: